Our scholarship program has a long tradition in the St. Louis community. It is focused on allowing all students to have an opportunity to help minimize the financial burden of attending college or trade school. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding students with an opportunity to guarantee that all of their work and dedication will be rewarded.
10 Scholarship Opportunities for 2023
There are plenty of organizations that offer scholarships to graduating seniors if they are a member of a certain church or organization, they are part of a social or ethnic group, or they are gifted in a sport or a certain academic discipline. If you do not fit into one of those categories your chances of getting scholarship assistance were basically non existent. Spirit of Hope Foundation offers 10 scholarship opportunities to any student willing to apply, complete the program and follow the community service guidelines.
2023 Application Time Frame
The Spirit of Hope Foundation will be accepting applications from college bound students starting December 1, 2022 until May 30, 2023 Your application can be submitted by mail or in person at: 23 North Oaks Plaza Ste. 218 St. Louis, MO 63121.
Program Time Frame
The activities of the Spirit of Hope Scholarship Program will run from January 2023 through July 2023 ending in a Scholarship Banquet at the end of July.
Spirit of Hope Foundation Scholarship Program is not a "Free Money for Showing Up" type of scholarship program. It is not a beauty contest or a popularity contest. It is not a scholarly writing competition; and most of all it is not a program for students who are not serious about succeeding in college and in life after school.
Even though this opportunity is open to ANYONE, it is not for EVERYONE. Only those willing to LEARN, WORK and SERVE will be successful in this program. This program is designed to help participants to excel in these three areas, preparing them to be effective, functioning world citizens.
If you are accepted to participate in this program you will be involved in activities that will help you LEARN several things necessary in life but not taught in todays schools. You will learn money management, how to open a bank account, how to complete a credit app, how to purchase insurance, how the police and court systems work, what different careers are open and how to select them, what college life really is like and how to succeed while away from home.
You will WORK on group and individual projects to understand group dynamics and how to be part of a successful team. You will work on negotiating skills and communication skills while generating money for your activities.
Last you will learn how to work to SERVE others who are less fortunate than you are or in need of your kindness and help. This will involve community service with the homeless, the elderly and those needing a hand.
At the end of this program in addition to receiving a nice scholarship you will also have gained a better understanding of the way the world works and how you can function better as a part of it. You will also get a banquet, where your family will be able to attend and see what you have accomplished, a scholarship presentation ceremony where you will receive the scholarship you have earned and the opportunity to see and appreciate the fruits of your good works.
While doing the activities in the program they are designed to allow you to have fun in learning and working to serve others. You get the opportunity to see and visit places many adults have never had the opportunity to enter. All of this is to prepare you to become an adult in the real world.
The Scholarship Program ends with a formal banquet for the participants where their scholarship funds are presented along with some other surprise benefits for the participants.
Telephone: (314) 776-9577
E-mail: scholarship@spiritofhopefoundation.info
Address: 23 North Oaks Plaza Suite 218
St. Louis, MO 63121
© Copyright Spirit of Hope Foundation. All rights reserved.
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